
I am a 28 year old Computer Engineering Master’s student based in Linköping, Sweden.

My interests range from electronics and embedded software to design and UX with an emphasis on programming languages, compilers, interpreters, and low-level bit flipping.

Am I the one you’re looking for? Hit me up! wllmsjblm at gmail.com


M.Sc. in Computer Engineering, Linköping University, 2015–2020



Developer (full-time), Cendio AB, 2021–present

Developer (summer internship), Opera Software, 2019

Implementation of an automatic formatter for code written in Pike. The formatter itself is also written in Pike and capable of formatting code according to Operas internal style guide.

R&D Developer (summer internship), Configura, 2018

Summer internship focused on automatic LOD generation for models consisting of several meshes. The project was based around automatic mesh reduction assisted by image matching.

R&D Developer (summer internship), Configura, 2017

Summer internship focused on optimization of 3D objects which resulted in:

  • Speedier normal calculations for certain meshes.
  • A tool for removing invisible meshes.
  • A tool for performance profiling on models in Configura’s new scene graph format.

R&D Developer (summer internship), Configura, 2016

Implementation of an optimizing regular expression engine in C++ that parses, interprets and compiles regular expressions to x86 machine code.

R&D Developer (summer internship), Configura, 2015

Implementation of several algorithms for projection UV mapping.

Developer (summer internship), Configura, 2014

Implementation of randomly generated 3D city environments.


Master’s Thesis, Oracle, 2020

Implementation of an additional loop vectorization pass for the C2 compiler in the HotSpot virtual machine, part of the OpenJDK (Open Java Development Kit). [Publication, blog post]

Side projects

RoboCup German Open, 2018

Participated in the RoboCup@Home League with the team LiU@HomeWreckers consiting of students from Linköping University and the robot Pepper. [News article]

Autonomous Mapping Robot, 2017

Built the winning robot during a university project which, according to the course administration, was the best mapping robot ever built during the course. Further information can be found under projects. [News article, video]

Talang, 2017

Participated in the TV show Talang (the Swedish equivalent of America’s Got Talent) along with a team of fellow students with the Aldebaran NAO robots. We qualified for the semi-finals during our audition. [Video]

East Sweden Hack, 2016

Winner of the 48h hackathon East Sweden Hack. For this me and my team got awarded a trip to Las Vegas and tickets to the CES electronics fair.

Together we built an IoT bike sharing platform much like Airbnb. The project consisted of a smartphone app, a bike mounted IoT device and a web portal where I was responsible for building and designing the app. [News article]

Other, 1996–present

A selection of my projects done mostly at leisure can be found under Projects.

Student Association Involvement

FIA - Föreningen för intelligenta autonoma system, 2017–2018, 2019–2020

Board member and secretary in the robotics association FIA.

Comfortable With




Bash, C, C++, Emacs Lisp, LaTeX, Python, VHDL


Docker, GDB, Make, ROS

Version Control



AVR, PIC, Xilinx FPGAs